Our current time strongly invites us to consciously explore our presence in and our impact on the world.
“The Work that Reconnects “is a practice founded by Joanna Macy.
It is a deep spiritual practice that takes us on a journey - a path of transformation. This path opens up space to connect with our innermost potential. We are invited to sense, to experience and to act.
In community, we explore our inner responses to the outer world and engage in a process to deepen our connection: with ourselves, with others and with the earth. We realign ourselves; we allow ourselves to question our thoughts and our way of life. We get the opportunity to rewrite our own life stories - to create space for a new way of being "present" in the world – the world that we want to see emerging.
In this process we venture into uncharted territory inviting curiosity as our companion - new territory wants to be explored
We strengthen our inner ability to encounter new places within and in front of us, our ability to find support in other beings and to see companions all along the way. We find the gifts that are ready for us and accessible in our life.
The path of “The Work that Reconnects” leads in four steps through a spiral, a cyclical process in which we connect to our inner wisdom and our ability to engage with life.
This path begins with gratitude, practicing and focusing on what strengthens and nourishes us.
Through the practice of gratitude, we anchor in the world, we face our pain - our own and the pain of the world - we allow our pain to be seen, to open our hearts to what has not been said or felt before.
Exploring the field of sorrow opens the path for change and transformation. We are now able to see the world with new and ancient eyes, to truly connect with our wisdom and to experience ourselves as part of this great web of life.
We move powerfully into our strength and vitality and become part of a creative process that brings us into inner and outer movement.
We are going forth.
The path through the Spiral is pure nourishment, inspiration and an invitation to connect with your own power, to stand up for and to celebrate life. "The Work that Reconnects” offers a vast space of experience. Experiences that resonate with you in a deep and new way, that offer space to reconnect with life and to become awake to the beauty of this world and yourself.