With a huge awe for the wonders of this world ...

... I embarked on my professional journey as an anthropologist and psychologist, traveler and learner. After my studies and an in-depth engagement with the former exile community of Myanmar, I lived and worked in Indonesia Papua, working in the field of Human Rights as an unarmed bodyguard for threatened Human Rights defenders with Peace Brigades International. After that I moved to Kenya managing a street children's project in the field of childrens rights and I travelled the areas of crisis, trauma and war as an international peace worker for various non-governmentalorganizations, including  the ‘Weltfriedensdienst Berlin’ for about 15 years. I am still active today in an advisory capacity for various organizations.
When I look back, I can now see that it was Peace what I was looking for all along. Peace became my compass and still I am constantly exploring the Art of Living Peace.
This whole aspect of my life was and is opening a multifaceted way of learning and living. It’s a path which enables me to immerse myself deeply in cultures and peoples backgrounds and find my own truth. I am led by questions- one is:
How can traces of our past and injuries which we have experienced heal each individual and the collective, so that peace can emerge?
As there is no straight answer for that question and I went for more and more further training and education to understand- I was collecting knowledge on a wide scale.

This makes me  a trained and experienced systemic therapist and organisational developer.  I was and am deeply exploring and practising the healing power of dance and movement (Movement Medicine, 5 Rhythms, Soulmotion). Above all, I have immersed myself in the world and power of The Work that Reconnects through international training courses and I have been leading seminars and training courses ever since.
This desire for knowledge nourished a deeper desire in me, the desire for deep wisdom. Being on this quest I jumped right into the most intensive and joyful journey that has made my life whole and thus healed and alive: I embarked on the path of energy medicine and shamanic healing and by doing so I answered a calling. I trained with Mahela Medicine Wheel, where I learned the healing art of Quero according to Alberto Villoldo. I studied with Berta Kuhnelt and Lynn Berryhill in the US and I am taught by Baba Mandaza Zimbabwe. Over the years I have been building a strong national and international network of shamanic practicioners. Together we open and create spaces of growths and development – for myself and others.
Taking the essence of all my experiences and my personal perspective into this amazing life, I have developed a healing practise that interweaves all I was allowed to learn and experience – and I love my life and my work.
For years I have been Iiving in Hamburg, Germany, a city of wonder and a place I call home. Life gifted me with my wonderful husband and two amazing children, who are my biggest joy and my most powerful teachers.